Exceptional Ideas Ltd is a school designed with a therapeutic method of teaching in mind. We cater for students in secondary school, between the age ranges from 11 to post-16, and also cater for SEN children, with varying learning difficulties, children with a neurodiverse condition on the ASD spectrum, and more.
Split between three sites, the school offers a therapeutic package in learning, following the national curriculum. This means that students can learn and grow at their own pace, as well as learning in an environment that promotes an outside-the-box style teaching and learning experience.
Do you think you could be a mentor? Do you work with adaptation in mind? You could be one step away from working in a vibrant environment, with students at one of our schools.
We encourage young people to work through their anxieties, stresses and keep a therapeutic mind when it comes to learning, so if you think you could help us out by working with us, please apply via the Employment Opportunities page. Alternatively, you can contact us, using the Contact page.
For further information on current employment opportunities, visit the Job Vacancies Page.
A slogan to promote dedication to overcoming educational barriers and promoting success in life after school, but this message goes deeper.
Exceptional Ideas Ltd has always been heavily committed to equality, diversity and inclusion with the ultimate goal of offering the same opportunities to every student and mentor we work with, however the events of recent months have shown that racism and inequality are still a part of many people's everyday life and is still an issue globally; this is something that concerns us all. The sharing of experience and perspective has been eye-opening and has caused us to release a statement detailing our commitment to the fight against racism and all other forms of oppression and inequality.
We stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and undertake to educate all staff and students in acceptance and understanding of difference and diversity; be that racial, LGBTQ, gendered or any other marginalised group of people.
At Exceptional Ideas Ltd, we want to move past the legal requirement to promote equality through a policy-fulfilling statement; and are actively working to promote, educate and challenge views, actions and words that seek to cause harm or spread hatred. We will not tolerate racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia or any other form of abuse; and will challenge and educate with fact where there is any inkling of such attitude: be that from staff, stakeholders or students.
The education profession is by no means free of the scourge of discrimination and prejudice, and there are members of our community who are affected daily by uneducated and uninformed views on their backgrounds and choices. As such, it is not enough that we stand up to condemn this; we must be actively anti-discrimination. As professionals, it is our duty to become informed and inform those around us of the effects and harm that such attitudes can cause and it will never be accepted that it is down to marginalised or oppressed groups to educate and stand up to such attitudes. We will stand with them and for them and educate the adults of today and tomorrow in a way that allows change to spread and equality to grow.
As such, we expect from those we work with, attitudes of more than tolerance for difference - an expectation that difference is exceptional and brilliant, more than care - an understanding that sometimes certain groups need more support in their fight, more than neutrality - our community should be active in the challenge of equality, and more than hope - nurturing the attitude that we WILL make a change.
We have three sites that we use daily during a normal school term.
Teaseldown resides in Sible Hedingham, a few miles from Halstead.
Brook View resides in Wethersfield, about 15 minutes away from Braintree.
Primrose Hill resides near the centre of Chelmsford.
Children who attend Exceptional Ideas Ltd are referred and approved by the Local Authority. After receiving referral paperwork, including the EHCP, senior staff will consider the suitability of placement with Exceptional Ideas Ltd. If it is likely that placement would be suitable in either a school or on our outreach service, an arrangement will be made with the parent/carer and the Local Authority to arrange an initial meet at the child's home.
Once it is deemed that our setting is fit for a student and placement is agreed by the relevant Local Authority, arrangements will be made to commence a four-week induction period. Details of this and the placement start date will be sent to the parent/carer in writing as soon as possible, to provide details and enable the child and their family to make provision for a change of educational setting.
Access the previous year here